Kieran Badb Catha
Cerys Windsinger
Brandubh Badb Catha
Aidan O'Connell
Richard de Warrener
Luis Aedui
Y'Roden D'Riel
Daemonorel Ashev
Linnis D'Trel
Fionna Aedui
Fechine D'Riel
Drysi D'Riel
Yseult D'Riel
B'Roden D'Riel
Deimos Ashev
Alantha Ashev
Corbin Black
A smile flickered across Derwin's face as he looked down on his son and his soon to be daughter-in-law. He had been waiting impatiently for this day for a long time, and had often pushed Y'roden on the subject. But now, seeing the pair of them together, he saw the wisdom of the Fates in staying Ro's hand. This was meant to be, this was the right time, the right place, and the right woman for his son.

Lifting his gaze to the gathered guests the King raised his soft baritone to address them. "Family, friends, allies and subjects. All have gathered here today to witness this most sacred of occasions. The joining of a man and woman in marriage. Yet this ceremony stands for more this day, it stands for the continued unity of S'hea and Corin, giving strength to the bond between the Elven and human races. It is a further step towards peace, and the promise of the future. The two that stand before you this day to proclaim their love are the future rulers of this great City, and Goddess grant them the wisdom and strength to do right by their people."

He held out a hand towards Si'lyen and Fionna, "Now let us begin where all life begins, igniting the spark that breathes life into the flame."


Invoking Fire
Brought up in the heart of the circles of power on Paradelos, Fionna was still slightly taken aback by the sheer number and variety of people present in the Great Hall. Refusing to let this show, she took a deep breath and concentrated on what she was supposed to be doing.

At their cue, she and Si'lyen moved forward towards the candles on the altar. Taking a lighted taper, Fionna picked up one of the smaller candles and lit it. Turning towards the bride and groom, the blonde half-elf handed the lighted candle to her mother, saying as she did so "Notuile i licuma cale menlya."

Oh! It was candlighting time! three on the altar, two big, one small… Si’lyen lit one smaller one as Fionna lit the other. It was a unity candle lighting and the young woman recognized it. She took her candle and handed it over to her father and repeated what Fionna had said. “Notuile i licuma cale menlya,” It was a soft voice, but it carried through the hall with no trouble.

Y'roden smiled down at his daughter as he accepted the candle from her hand, watching the flame reflect in her emerald green eyes. He winked at her once before he turned his attention to Silverthorn, moving forward with her to light the large candle in the center of the altar. His voice rose, matching hers syllable for syllable as the wick caught fire, a symbol of their union.

Accepting the candle from her daughter, Silverthorn held it carefully in one hand. Catching Ro's gaze as he accepted the one from Si'lyen, she smiled slightly. As one they lit the large candle in the centre of the altar. "I licuma yanlva kuile" she said in a clear tone, her voice blending with his.

Notuile i licuma cale menlya - May the candle light your way
I licuma yanlva kuile - the candle joins our lives


Invoking Earth and Air
Derwin watched with his breath caught in his throat as the flame leapt to life on the unity candle. It flared high, never a flicker, nor a tense moment where it might have gone out. "The flame soars high, like loves first phase. When emotions are new and quicken the blood." He stepped forward, holding a small seed between his thumb and index finger. "Love blossoms and takes root, binding two souls together with intention and the spoken word."

He nodded to his son and Y'roden stretched his right arm out, palm up. The seed was set on his life line, and Derwin placed Silverthorn's right hand palm down over the half-elf's before withdrawing.

There was a spark of emerald and silver light as their skin touched. From between their pressed palms emerged tendrils of green ivy that wove around their hands and wrists. Leaves sprouted and small white flowers blossomed. A garland of flowers wrapped tightly around their clasped hands, binding them together. For once there was no hint of nerves at having her hand restrained. That had no place here. The jade green eyes that met his showed nothing other than love and a calm surety in the rightness of what they were doing. Derwin's words washed over her almost as if they were a dream.

Y'roden smiled, the same love and confidence in what they were doing shining in the depths of his own eyes. He knew the words as well as she did, and once more their voices raised in unison.

"You cannot possess me for I belong to myself
But while we both wish it, I give you that which is mine to give
You cannot command me, for I am a free person
But I shall serve you in those ways you require
and the honeycomb will taste sweeter coming from my hand"

"I pledge to you that yours will be the name I cry aloud in the night and the eyes into which I smile in the morning
I pledge to you the first bite of my meat and the first drink from my cup
I pledge to you my living and my dying, each equally in your care
I shall be a shield for your back and you for mine
I shall not slander you, nor you me
I shall honor you above all others, and when we quarrel we shall do so in private and tell no strangers our grievances"

"This is my wedding vow to you This is the marriage of equals."

Gently the flowers seemed to sink into their skin leaving a delicate tracery of gold around their wrists.


The Rings
Derwin was practically beaming by this point. Perhaps a bit unKingly of him, but this WAS his son after all. "It is customary in both human and elven culture to trade tokens that signify your bond of marriage. The most common symbol being the ring, for in its unbroken circle it represents eternity. Y'roden, place the ring on Arianne's left hand and seal the gesture with the words of your heart."

A grateful smile flickered across Y'roden's face as his gaze met Darien's. They had been to hell and back together, literally, and he held a genuine affection for his nephew. He looked down at the ring that now sat in the palm of his hand, an heirloom of the D'riel legacy, and turned towards Silverthorn.

The half-elf almost forgot to breathe in the moment his eyes met hers. "Arianne," he began in his whispery baritone, "I choose you over all others to be my wife, my lover, and my soulmate. You have given me a sense of peace and fulfillment that I have never known before. I can only hope that I have done the same for you."

His eyes sparkled as he took her hand in his, "You are my dew-kissed morning, my sunwarmed afternoon, and my moondrenched evening.... my Silmenya Falmarin." He poised the ring on the tip of her finger, "This ring is a symbol of the eternity I want to live with you. Aminmela ile." The band slid onto Silverthorn's finger, settling easily into place.

The words and the emotion behind them caught at her heart. For a moment she almost forgot to breathe as she looked at him, her gaze full of all that she felt. As the ring slipped on to her finger its slight weight felt right somehow. For a moment as she stood there she was lost in the emotion in her bondmate's eyes. Then, remembering where she was she was, she glanced at Derwin. At his nod, she turned back to Y'roden as she was passed the second of the rings.

Taking his hand, she looked into his eyes. Her words were just for him, straight from the heart. "Y'roden, I choose you over all others to be my husband, my lover and my soulmate. With you I have found a love and trust that I never expected to experience. Words are inadequate to describe what you mean to me."

Gently she slid the ring on to his finger. "This ring is a symbol of all that I feel for you." Her voice grew soft, her breath catching in her throat, "I will love you, always."


Invoking Water
Derwin was smiling to himself as he stepped forward with a silver chalice, his blue eyes sparkling as he once again addressed them. "Mai'tus wine, a symbol of life, love, and prosperity, this chalice has been blessed by Arminiea herself. May drinking of it bring you luck and happiness throughout your years together." He held the cup out to Silverthorn and bade her to drink from it.

Accepting the chalice from the King of Corin, Silverthorn took a sip of the Mai'tus wine it contained. Then with a smile, she handed it to Y'roden. Her green eyes shone with love and happiness and it was a little hard to believe that this was the same elf who was usually so unapproachable and reserved. For once the shields were down far enough that the crowd could see something of what she was like behind the barriers.

Y'roden accepted the chalice, his fingers brushing over Silverthorn's as he lifted it from her grasp. The ring was a new and comforting weight on his finger and his eyes never left those of his Melda's as he drank from the cup. The wine was sweet, true to the taste of the fleshy purple fruit it was made from, not that he really noticed the flavour at the moment. Without looking he moved his hand to the side and his father took the Chalice from his hand. Ro heard B'rodyn move out from behind him, taking his place by King Derwin's side.

B'rodyn moved out from behind the other men and took his place next to Derwin. He was smiling despite the serious nature of his task. The King of S'hea took Silverthorn's hands in his and held them palm up. "Arianne Badb Catha, in marrying Haryon Y'roden, Coacalina D'riel you become royalty, and part of our house. Do you give your pledge to uphold the laws, and to act in the best interests of the people of the Kingdom of S'hea, and the Kingdom of Corin?"

Silverthorn's eyes met those of the King of S'hea. In some respects this was both the hardest and easiest part of accepting Y'roden's proposal. The hardest in that she would be taking on a tremendous responsibility. The easiest in that she knew that in loving him it was necessary to accept whatever came with him.

"I do" she said simply, her voice clear.

Releasing Silverthorn's left hand B'rodyn drew a small ceremonial dagger from his belt and smiled reassuringly at her as he carved a small line into the flesh of her palm. He nodded at Y'roden who extended his hand, and repeated the procedure on the Prince. Pressing their palms together he let the blood mingle, watching as a silver and emerald green mist swirled around their hands for a moment, until it dissipated into nothing.

"Welcome to the house of D'riel, Arianne," he said softly, but loud enough that it carried through the hall. "Ve Ingaran coaina D'riel, Ni esselyë Aranel Arianne D'riel." The King of S'hea stepped back and released them. When their palms parted there was no evidence that a mark had ever been made. B'rodyn touched his fingers to the empty claw at the front of Silverthorn's circlet, a warm green glow leaving behind a D'riel emerald in the crown.

As B'rodyn returned to the spot he had been occupying behind Y'roden, Derwin stepped foward again. "By the power invested in me as King of Corin, I now pronouce you husband and wife. Y'roden, you may kiss your bride." The King grinned and raised his hands to the gathered crowd, "Ladies and Gentlemen, may I present to you, their Royal Highnesses, Prince Y'roden and Princess Arianne D'riel."


Haryon Y'roden, Coacalina D'riel - Prince Y'roden, Light of the House D'riel
Ve Ingaran coaina D'riel, Ni esselyë Aranel Arianne D'riel - As High-King of the house of D'riel, I name thee Princess Arianne D'riel