Physical Description:
*Name: Fechine Badb Catha
Meaning of Name: Raven Battle Raven
*Race: Tauremornan Elf/ Aarataurean Elf/ ?
*Age: See Timeline
Apparent Age (if different): Mid-Twenties - Early Thirties
*Height: 6’ 02”
*Build/Weight: Athletic
*Hair: Chestnut
*Eyes: Emerald Green
Complexion: Lightly Tanned
*Identifying Marks (if present):
Clothing: Favours dark-coloured trousers and a loose, comfortable shirt.
Personal Items usually carried: Pendant carved of black stone in shape of raven hanging on chain of green-black metal. Black ring of lodestone on an adamantine chain.
Personal Information:
Home Planet:
Planet of Residence: Aerdon
Birth Family: Paternal: ?, Maternal: Badb Catha
Second Family:
*Personality: Although a good person at heart, he can be reckless and exhuberant. He has an unerring ability to get himself into trouble without even trying. His temper, on the rare occasions that it shows, is the cold rage that he has inherited from his mother. In recent years he has discovered a freedom in the wilds that he struggles to find elsewhere and as a result he is often more comfortable outside than inside. It is not unusual for him to feel like the walls are closing in on him if he spends too much time inside, particularly in large crowds, as he is out of practice when it comes to socialising.
*Skills and Abilities:
Magic: He has an affinity with the element of earth that permits him to 'recharge his batteries' by drawing energy from the land.
Shapeshifting: His Badb Catha bloodline gives him the ability to shift into raven form.
Languages Spoken: Black Kin'Oth, Silver Kin'Oth, Drow, Tauremornan, Aarataurean, Eheiling Narhn, Eldredae, Ingralean, Common
Fighting Skills: Whilst trained in a variety of weapon types, Fechine is most likely to be found using a sword, usually of the longsword or hand-and-a-half sword variety.
*Weapons Used: Sword
Background Information:
*Marital Status: Involved with Meghan Ilessandra
*Children: Merikh
*Blood or Soul Bonds: None
*History: The son and eldest child of ? and Arianne (Silverthorn) Badb Catha, Fechine was brought up in ?. At the age of ?, he was kidnapped by the Blood Moon Cult in Teklan, possessed by the spirit of the Demon King and forced to impregnate Jinx Sydelle. His exuberant nature was tamed somewhat by this experience, the boy becoming quieter and more reserved.
Misc Information:
- Fechine’s soul takes the form of ...
- Fechine rides a black stallion named Barra.
- Fechine was given a dreamcatcher by the Water Goddess of the Unicorns of Thitsin during the story Fate's Quest. He keeps this by his bedside to stave off the nightmares brought on by his experience in Teklan.
Avatar Credit: Coltin Scott Martines
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