Parents |
Deniz Aunrae
Siblings |
Dion Aunrae
Phrice Aunrae
Markus Aunrae
Matthias Aunrae
Nikita Aunrae
Danica Aunrae
Physical Description:
*Name: Vesper Aunrae
Meaning of Name: Evening Star - Deadly Secret
Nickname: Ves
*Race: Aerdonian Black Kin'Oth
*Age: 1002 years old as of Crucible of the Storm
Apparent Age (if different): Late Teens - Early Twenties
Dragon Appearance:
Colour: Jet Black
Eyes: Amber, glows when enRaged
Length: Apprx. 50 ft snout to rump
Wingspan: Apprx. 75 ft wingspan
Human Appearance:
*Height: 5’ 09”
*Build/Weight: Slender but athletic
*Hair: Long, thick, wavy, auburn red
*Eyes: Amber
Complexion: Fair
*Identifying Marks (if present):
- Left Shoulderblade: Ring of black thorns with the rampant dragon in the centre. This is the Mark of Cal Blackthorn's Black Guard.
- Lower Abdomen Above Left Hip: Western Isles (similar to Terran Polynesian) style black tattoo of sea turtle.
Clothing: Typically denim jeans and a t-shirt, possibly with a black leather jacket over the top
Personal Items usually carried:
Personal Information:
Home Planet: Aerdon
Planet of Residence: Aerdon
Birth Family: Aunrae
Second Family:
*Personality: Intelligent and strong-willed, Vesper has a temper to match her red hair, although she's more inclined towards being verbally scathing than brawling. She is not, however, hot-headed. Whilst she might toss out the odd jibe, she is not usually the one to start the fight although she will stand her ground if someone else starts one.
*Occupation: Lieutenant of Cal Blackthorn's Black Guard (Right Wing Guard in Alexar Il'dia's Wing)
*Skills and Abilities:
Draconic Abilities: From her Black ancestry, she is able to use fire as a breath weapon. However, she is also gifted by her goddess and god with the Flame. This gift is cast from the hand. Like all Kin she possesses the skill of transmutation, or molecular alteration. This magic can be used for healing, however to use it in such a manner causes the dragon to tire quickly and, if used too much, can completely exhaust it.
Fighting Skills: In addition to her natural ability to form blades and spikes from her own scale in two-legger form, Vesper has been trained in the use of daggers from the age of three years old, with other weapons being added to her repertoire as she gets older. After Crucible of the Storm, Vesper will be put through a rigorous training at the Keep that incorporates the use of shields and a fighting style similar to what the Southern Silvanii utilise.
Languages: Common, Shydeni (Black Kin'Oth), Ald Shydeni, Silvanii (Silver Kin'Oth), Eld Silvanii, Eheiling Narhn, Eldredae, Thaydahl
*Weapons Used: Daggers, Sword
Background Information:
*Marital Status: Single
*Children: None
*Blood or Soul Bonds: None
*History: Vesper was born and raised on the tropical archipelago owned by House Aunrae. She was part of the Aunrae House Guard sent to fight on Arlsyn (Crucible of the Storm) and afterwards remained at the Keep, becoming part of Cal Blackthorn's Black Guard.
Misc Information:
- Her soul is black and amber.
- Her heart and organs are in a reverse position from Humans and other humanoids, all Aerdon Dragons have a heart located on the RIGHT side of their body, and all single organs are also located on the reverse side.
- Born on the tropical archipelago occupied by House Aunrae, Vesper is a strong swimmer, good at surfing and other watersports.
Avatar Credit: Lily Collins
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