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Nereida Spellsinger Maris
Nerissa Spellsinger Maris
Physical Description:
*Known Name: Sara ben Azim
*Birth Name: Saryna Lycoris Maris (pron. sa-REEN-a LY-cor-is MAR-is)
Meaning of Name: Serene Twilight of the Sea
*Race: Sea Djinn
Apparent Age (if different): Late Twenties
*Height: 5' 7"
*Build/Weight: Slim
*Hair: Dark auburn, thick waves that fall to her waist
*Eyes: Lapis blue with gold flecks similar to lapis lazuli
Complexion: Golden
*Identifying Marks (if present): Mehndi-style design in blues and purples on her palms - bondmark to Corielle
Clothing: Typically either sari or cropped top and harem trousers in rich shades of blue
Personal Items usually carried:
Personal Information:
Home Planet: Elemmiire
Planet of Residence: Elemmiire
Birth Family: Maris/Ben Azim and Bin Jalila
Second Family: Spellkiller/Icewalker
*Personality: Sara is a very intuitive individual, in touch with both her own feelings and those of others. She is sensitive to environment and atmosphere and, whilst not strictly speaking an empath, will often pick up on the feelings of others. She is inclined to rely more on instinct and emotion than thought, her heart usually ruling her head.
*Occupation: Queen of Sulayrin
*Skills and Abilities: Sara is a talented dancer, singer and musician. She can play several instruments common to the Desert Djinn, including the Nay (a flute with seven holes; one for the thumb, and 6 for other fingers), the Oud (a pear-shaped lute with a short, fretless neck that is plucked by the fingers) and the Tabla (a drum shaped like an hourglass).
*Weapons Used:
Background Information:
Sexual Orientation: Homosexual
*Marital Status: Bondmate of Corielle
*Children: Nereida and Nerissa Spellsinger-Maris
*Blood or Soul Bonds: Soul-bond to Corielle; 'Twin' bonds to Cobin Icewalker and Anka ben Qasim
*History: Sara is the adopted daughter of Keshet ben Azim and Thana bin Jalila. She was found by them on a beach near Besdolore as an infant. She was raised in Alshazar, but troubling dreams led to her discovery that she was the rightful heir to the throne of Sulayrin, Saryna Lycoris Maris (The Disappearing Isle). With help from friends she found the missing Treasure of Thalassalo and used it to raise the island from the ocean floor. She has since begun the process of restoration, helped in this by her lover, Corielle, who she met whilst attempting to unravel the meaning of her dreams.
Misc Information:
- Sara is descended from the Sea Queen of Elemmiire, whose son Thalassalo founded the Maris dynasty;
- Whilst considered to be identical twins, Nereida was carried by Sara and Nerissa by Corielle;
- The bonds to Cobin and Anka were an unintentional consequence of the magical explosion that resulted from the bonding of Sara and Corielle;
Avatar Credit: Aishwarya Rai
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