Parents |
Harkin Morningstar
Maeve Laisrean
Siblings |
Chandra Morningstar
Physical Description:
Known Name: Sorrow
Birth Name: Saoirse Morningstar (pronounced SEER-sha)
Meaning of Name: Freedom of the Morningstar
Nicknames: The Nightingale
*Race: Tauremornan Elven and Anari
Apparent Age (if different): Early Twenties
*Height: 5’ 4”
*Build/Weight: Slim
*Hair: Chestnut curls
*Eyes: Hazel
Complexion: Creamy
*Identifying Marks (if present):
Personal Items usually carried:
Personal Information:
Home Planet: Elemmiire
Planet of Residence:
Birth Family: Morningstar
Second Family:
*Personality: Mercurial and whimsical, Sorrow’s moods can shift in an instant between joy and pain, rage and laughter. Like a will o’ the wisp, she is difficult to pin down, and it is hard to know which emotions are genuine and which are just an exceptionally good act.
*Occupation: Chanteuse
*Skills and Abilities: She has a rich contralto with which she can quite literally kill or cure. With her voice Sorrow can touch her audience and draw forth any emotion she chooses with her song, although her strength is with the darker emotions - hence her stage name. Rumour has it that she has even been able to induce members of her audience to commit suicide with just one song. She is a competent sorcerer but her ability is generally channelled through her musical skills. The reason for this is that she is a Dra’kar Sin’ra, or a Dragon Singer. This is an ancient magic bestowed on a few rare individuals by all the races of dragons.
*Weapons Used:
Background Information:
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual, Submissive, Masochist
*Marital Status: Single
*Children: None
*Blood or Soul Bonds: None
*History: Taken from her parents at birth, Sorrow knows very little about them. She was brought up by her Anari guardian, Cadoc, and he was father, brother, mentor and lover to her. Their relationship was dark and twisted with Cadoc dominating her in more ways than one. However, she was finally forced to choose between him and her newly-discovered twin sister, Chandra (Death Song) and she chose to save her sister who faced being falsely charged with murder; deaths that had actually resulted from Sorrow's own singing. Cadoc was taken prisoner by the other Anari and Sorrow was subsequently rescued from her prison cell by Chandra. She has since been travelling and learning how to manage her own life.
Misc Information:
- Being half-Anari, Sorrow’s soul appears to look like a ball of light threaded with copper and forest green strands.
- When using her Dragonsinger abilities Sorrow can sound as if she is being accompanied by an otherworldly choir.
Avatar Credit: Helena Bonham Carter
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