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Unknown Djinn
Unknown Nomad
Physical Description:
*Name: Salome ben Issa K’Tral (pron: sa-LO-mee)
Meaning of Name: Peace
*Race: Half Djinn, Half Nomad
Apparent Age (if different): Mid-Late Twenties
*Height: 5’ 3”
*Build/Weight: Curvy, verging on voluptuous
*Hair: Long, Black
*Eyes: Mahogany Brown
Complexion: Golden
*Identifying Marks (if present): Gold six-pointed star tattooed above her right buttock, bitemark on her neck.
Clothing: Most often found in a leather skirt and top or, if following the fashions of her homeworld, a sari-like gown.
Personal Items usually carried:
Personal Information:
Home Planet: Elemmiire
Planet of Residence: Cath’Eska
Birth Family:
Second Family:K’Tral
*Personality: Salome is warm-hearted and compassionate by nature.
*Occupation: Shiala Ni of the human village on Cath’Eska
*Skills and Abilities: From her djinn ancestry, Salome has inherited the ability to control fire and smoke, manipulating it to her will. As she is not a full djinn, however, she finds it difficult to change shape in the manner of the rest of her kin. Instead she spends most of her time in her corporeal form. At times of dire need, it is possible for her to become a being composed entirely of flames, but she finds this hard to maintain for any length of time and it will seriously debilitate her.
*Weapons Used:
Background Information:
*Marital Status: Bondmate of X’Hart K’Tral
*Children: One son by X’Hart, Altan K’Tral. Also treats X’Hart’s children as if they are her own
*Blood or Soul Bonds: Neuth’Ra bond to X’Hart K’Tral
*History: The daughter of a male djinn and a female nomad from the Dragon Sands of the R’Kesh, Salome was taken from her mother at birth and sold to slavers. Her mother, a married woman, was stoned to death for her crime of adultery. The child was brought up in a brothel in the city of Teklan; at first as a skivvy in the kitchens, later as one of the ‘girls’. As such she attracted the attention of a merchant in the city, who became fascinated by her unusual talents and removed her from the brothel, making her his mistress. She remained so for many years until his death, upon which she inherited a modest sum. Whilst not sufficient to make her wealthy, this amount was sufficient to support a young woman who found herself independent and alone in the world for the first time in her life.
It was at this time that Salome encountered the tiger felinumeara, X’Hart K’Tral. He had arrived in Teklan to discuss trading opportunities with the Emir. An incident in the souk led to their meeting and their friendship quickly deepened. After X’Hart left Elemmiire to return to his home on Cath’Eska, Salome discovered that she missed him greatly and, deciding to take a chance, she followed him. They have since bonded, becoming a mated pair.
Because of her intelligence and compassion, Salome was subsequently asked to become the Shiala Ni of the village built for all the women who were freed from Rumleigh. Despite the discovery of her pregnancy, she was involved in the construction of this village (New Beginnings) although had to return to Teklan for a short period when Lech was arrested (Desert Deception). When nearing her delivery date, Salome, along with several pregnant K'Tral females, was captured by the daga (Elemental Theft). Nine months after the completion of the village, Kellin De'Strana, the Shiala Musra of the village, left to go to Talking Lights Lake, leaving Salome in charge.
Misc Information:
- Salome’s soul is made of several different desert hues and in its ground state will often appear to be smoke-like in form.
Avatar Credit: Sarah McLachlan
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