Physical Description:
Known Name: Rogue Delaney
Birth Name: Michelle Delaney
Meaning of Name: Who is like God
*Race: Human (Genetically Modified)
Apparent Age (if different): Late Twenties
*Height: 5’ 7”
*Build/Weight: Slim but athletic
*Hair: Naturally ash-blonde, but rarely seen that colour. Usually dyed. Currently pink, although colour is changed frequently.
*Eyes: Blue-grey
Complexion: Porcelain
*Identifying Marks (if present): Piercing in navel, tribal-style tattoo at base of spine.
Clothing: ‘Rock Chick’ or ‘Punk’ style
Personal Items usually carried:
Personal Information:
Home Planet: Avalon Four
Planet of Residence:
Birth Family:
Second Family:
*Personality: Rogue can be brash and a little loud at times, something which is partly due to her ‘live in the moment’ character and partly a front to conceal those elements of her past about which she is reluctant to talk.
*Occupation: ARC Field Agent
*Skills and Abilities:
*Weapons Used: A hand-held stunning device which disrupts motor function, although leaving the shot person conscious.
Background Information:
*Marital Status: Single
*Children: None
*Blood or Soul Bonds: None
*History: Born Michelle Delaney, she never answers to her first name, introducing herself as Rogue Delaney, or even just Rogue. Placed in what was purported to be a children’s home when she was very young, she cannot remember her parents. Instead her childhood was spent in a succession of ‘homes’ from which she finally ran away at the age of sixteen. In fact these ‘homes’ were merely fronts for the experiments of the Omega Society who control Avalon Four.
She spent a number on the streets, where she has picked up a number of useful - and occasionally dubious - skills before returning to confront the truth about her past on Avalon Four following the death of her friend, Yuki, at the hands of Omega Society security teams. There she discovered she was the result of a genetic experiment called ‘The Philosopher’s Stone Project’. Horrified, she destroyed all the records she could lay her hands on before escaping. She has since joined the ranks of ARC as a field agent and has been partnered with Jaxson.
Misc Information:
- Her natural ability to heal herself has been enhanced by the same process by which her lifespan was extended. As a result, Rogue will heal wounds and recover from illnesses significantly faster than a normal human.
Avatar Credit: Pink