Parents |
Khayru ben Hassan
Najila bin Allek
Siblings |
Khadijah ben Hassan
Jeseria ben Hassan
Zahra ben Hassan
Akil ben Hassan
Zafire ben Hassan
Fahd ben Hassan
Anka ben Qasim
Kerani ben Hassan
Physical Description:
*Name: Rashid ben Hassan
Meaning of Name: Rightly Guided
*Race: Desert Djinn
Apparent Age (if different): Late Thirties
*Height: 6’ 00”, although, being a creature of smoke and flame, physical appearance can be altered to suit the individual, so this can vary.
*Build/Weight: Muscular
*Hair: Black, with a neatly trimmed beard and moustache
*Eyes: Black
Complexion: Golden
*Identifying Marks (if present): Crimson phoenix rising out of crimson and gold flames on right shoulderblade; Bondmark in form of flower etched by fire on left shoulderblade.
Clothing: Favours ankle-length robes over loose pants.
Personal Items usually carried:
Personal Information:
Home Planet: Elemmiire
Planet of Residence: Elemmiire
Birth Family: Ben Hassan
Second Family: Silverleaf
*Personality: Possessing a certain rakish charm, he is as much a favourite with the customers as are his dancing girls. To many though he is also something of an enigma and very little is known about him or his past.
*Occupation: Owner of the Phoenix, Teklan
*Skills and Abilities: The Djinn are the direct descendents of those fire elementals that originally occupied the planet, alongside their cousins of water, earth and air, when the world was new and freshly born of stardust and molten rock. As Elemmiire cooled, as oceans formed and atmosphere threw a protective blanket around the globe, the elementals took on more solid form to walk the lands and it was amongst such races as these that the djinn belonged. But the race never lost their kinship with fire, and it is a being of flame that is considered to be their ‘true form’ for all others can be altered to suit their purposes. Like all of his kin, Rashid can therefore wield the fire and smoke that is his ancestry. Magic of all kinds is his to command.
*Weapons Used: Rashid is an Alirem, or Master, of a form of martial arts known as Marakhari. He can thus fight both bare-handed, as well as with a variety of weapons. He particularly favours a scimitar-style blade.
Background Information:
*Marital Status: Married to Ithilcalien Karim
*Children: Nima ben Hassan
*Blood or Soul Bonds: Soul-bond to Ithilcalien Karim; Silverleaf Tapestry
*History: Born in Alshazar as a member of the Yabrem, or Warrior, caste, Rashid was employed for many centuries by a member of the local nobility. When he left Alshazar, he set up the caravanserai known as the Phoenix in Teklan.
Misc Information:
- His soul, like that of most djinn is smoke-like in appearance. In colour it is the deep maroon and burnt orange of the desert sunset.
- His scent is reminiscent of sandalwood.
Avatar Credit: Alexander Siddig
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