Parents |
Unknown Father
Physical Description:
*Name: Lusine
Meaning of Name: Moon
*Race: Half Human (Nuri aka Aerdonian Gypsy), Half Enthim Queton (this latter is unknown to most people)
Apparent Age (if different):
*Height: 5' 5"
*Build/Weight: Slender
*Hair: Dark brown, curly and very thick, her hair falls to past her shoulders when loose. If her hair is worn up, she often uses metal hair sticks to hold the thick curls in place. These look decorative and ornamental, but in fact the ends are sharpened and can be used as a very effective stiletto in an emergency.
*Eyes: Brown
*Identifying Marks (if present):
Clothing: Corsets, peasant blouses and skirts or dresses, often in rich, dark shades of reds, blues and purples.
Personal Items usually carried:
Personal Information:
Home Planet: Aerdon
Planet of Residence: Aerdon
Birth Family:
Second Family:
*Personality: Lusine can make a strong ally, but a dangerous enemy. She is a bad person to cross and can be both ruthless and vengeful.
*Occupation: Witch, Fortune-teller
*Skills and Abilities:
*Weapons Used: Sharpened metal hair sticks, stiletto dagger, poison
Background Information:
*Marital Status: Single
*Children: None
*Blood or Soul Bonds: None
*History: Lusine comes from a long line of Nuri women whose role is that of fortune-teller or witch. She currently acts as the 'interpreter' for the tattooed man, Adem. Her father is unknown.
Misc Information:
Avatar Credit: Sarah Greene
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