Parents |
Rustam ben Azim
Nisa bin Allek
Lovers |
Aquitain Swift
Terium Daerfen
Physical Description:
*Name: Lilith ben Azim
Meaning of Name: Of the Night
*Race: Desert Djinn
Apparent Age (if different): Late Twenties
*Height: usually about 5' 6"
*Build/Weight: Lithe, but curved in all the right places
*Hair: Dark Brown
*Eyes: Dark Brown
Complexion: Golden
*Identifying Marks (if present):
Clothing: Gauzy Harem pants, satin slippers and cropped top with bangles at wrist and ankle.
Personal Items usually carried:
Personal Information:
Home Planet: Elemmiire
Planet of Residence: Elemmiire
Birth Family: Ben Azim
Second Family:
*Personality: The Djinn are a race of smoke and fire so Lilith is used to creating sparks of varying descriptions.
*Occupation: Dancer
*Skills and Abilities:
Magic: The Djinn are the direct descendents of those fire elementals that originally occupied the planet, alongside their cousins of water, earth and air, when the world was new and freshly born of stardust and molten rock. As Elemmiire cooled, as oceans formed and atmosphere threw a protective blanket around the globe, the elementals took on more solid form to walk the lands and it was amongst such races as these that the djinn belonged. But the race never lost their kinship with fire, and it is a being of flame that is considered to be their ‘true form’ for all others can be altered to suit their purposes. Like all of her kin, Lilith can therefore wield the fire and smoke that is her ancestry.Although a magical being, Lilith is not the most skilled of sorcerors and mishaps have been known to occur from time to time, generally turning anything in the area pink in the process.
Languages Spoken: Common, Desert Djinn, Badawi, Southern Human, Felinumeara
Miscellaneous: Lilith is skilled in many different styles of dance, particularly those of the desert races of the R'Kesh. She can also sing, having a sultry mezzo-soprano voice.
*Weapons Used:
Background Information:
*Marital Status: Lover of Terium Daerfen
*Children: None
*Blood or Soul Bonds: None.
*History: Born in the warded oasis of Alshazar in the Dragon Sands of Elemmiire, Lilith is a Desert Djinn, Kin to the elemental beings of Fire and Smoke. The daughter of Rustam ben Azim and his wife Nisa bin Allek, Lilith came to work as a dancer at the Phoenix in Teklan. There she met Aquitain Swift with whom she mated. However for reasons she has yet to explain, contact with Aquitain was lost and their Neuth'Ra bond severed. She no longer believes that he will return. On a visit to the Underground City, she met Terium Daerfen and their mutual attraction was instantaneous.
Misc Information:
- Her soul, like that of most djinn, is smoke-like in appearance. In colour it is apricot and burnt orange.
- Her scent is warm and slightly spicy, reminiscent of vanilla and cinnamon.
Avatar Credit: Kelly Hu
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