Physical Description:
*Name: Iola Boreas
Meaning of Name: Violet - North Wind
*Race: Half Cahrdinian Human, Half Ingralean Elf
*Age: 21 years old (as of Shifting Shadows)
Apparent Age (if different):
*Height: 5’ 5”
*Build/Weight: Slender, athletic
*Hair: Platinum blonde streaked with dark purple
*Eyes: Violet
Complexion: Fair
*Identifying Marks (if present):
Personal Items usually carried:
Personal Information:
Home Planet: Thitsin
Planet of Residence: Thitsin
Birth Family: Paternal: Boreas, Maternal: ?
Second Family:
*Personality: Can show occasional shyness around new people, but is generally friendly and good humoured.
*Occupation: Member of Investigative Unit
*Skills and Abilities:
Magic: Like all Ingralean elves, Idonea is able to use telepathy, can portal etc. Her main element is that of Spirit and she is moderately empathic as well as being a strong telekinetic.
Investigative Skills: She has gone through training in Cahrdin in investigative techniques, technology and criminialistics. She has also been trained to use her empathic abilities to "read" a scene. This allows an empath to feel or see what has happened and may fill in clues not left by the evidence available.
Languages Spoken: Common, Cahrdinian Human, Ingralean
*Weapons Used: Pike
Background Information:
*Marital Status: Single
*Children: None
*Blood or Soul Bonds: None
*History: Iola was born on Thitsin to a Cahrdin Human father and an Ingralean mother.
Misc Information:
Avatar Credit: Taylor Momsen
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