Parents |
? Fairwood
Lovers |
Audra Soulfire
Sidianne Eleron
Children |
Aleiss Soulfire Romello
Auria Fairwood
Hadrian Fairwood
Physical Description:
*Name: Harlan Fairwood
Meaning of Name: "hare land" "fair wood; hazel"
*Race: Ingralean Elf
*Age: 500 years old (as of Shifting Shadows)
Apparent Age (if different):
*Height: 6' 2"
*Build/Weight: Lean
*Hair: Brown
*Eyes: Blue-Green
Complexion: Fair
*Identifying Marks (if present):
Personal Items usually carried:
Personal Information:
Home Planet: Thitsin
Planet of Residence: Thitsin
Birth Family: Fairwood
Second Family:
*Personality: Cool, calculating, ruthless, intelligent
*Occupation: Lord of Ingraleis, Member of the Council
*Skills and Abilities:
Magic: Like all Ingralean elves, Harlan is able to use telepathy, can portal etc. He has also gained his family's talent with earth magic.
Fighting Skills:
Languages Spoken: Common, Ingralean
*Weapons Used:
Background Information:
*Marital Status: Married to Audra Soulfire
*Children: With Audra Soulfire: Aleiss Soulfire Romello (father believed to be Ludius Soulfire), Auria Fairwood (mother believed to be Sidianne Eleron Fairwood), Hadrian Fairwood
*Blood or Soul Bonds:
*History: Harlan has been married twice: first to Sidianne Eleron and then to Audra Soulfire. His first marriage occurred shortly after the events of Shifting Shadows and his wife quickly fell pregnant only to die tragically in childbirth... or so it is believed. In truth, the marriage was never consummated - it was merely a cover to allow his daughter by his long-term, pregnant lover, Audra Soulfire, to become his acknowledged child - and Sidianne was murdered as soon as she was no longer useful. Harlan had already had one child by Audra, although she was commonly believed to be the daughter of Audra's then-husband, Ludius Soulfire. After the death of Sidianne (and after Ludius' own unfortunate 'accident'), Harlan and Audra married and later had a child acknowledged by both: Hadrian.
Misc Information:
Avatar Credit: Tom Hiddlestone
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