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Merick Axewielder
Ophelia Axewielder
Trist Axewielder
Argen Axewielder
Desdemona Axewielder
Portia Axewielder
Physical Description:
*Name: Epona Axewielder
Meaning of Name: Horse Goddess
*Race: Aerdonian Centaur
Apparent Age (if different):
*Height: 7' 00" from her hooves to the top of her head
*Build/Weight: Slim
*Hair: Long, Silvery
*Eyes: Dark Brown, almost Black
Complexion: Dark-skinned human torso, dappled grey equine hide.
*Identifying Marks (if present):
Clothing: None
Personal Items usually carried:
Personal Information:
Home Planet: Aerdon
Planet of Residence: Aerdon
Birth Family:
Second Family: Axewielder
*Personality: Whilst centaurs are by nature a rowdy, earthy race; Epona as an older female and the favoured wife of the Laird is more settled, taking her role as leader amongst the women seriously. It is she who is responsible for laying down the law in the camp and, despite her small stature, can be a formidable opponent when her ire is raised.
*Skills and Abilities: Skilled archer, Epona is also good with the spear and other javelins.
*Weapons Used: Spear, Bow
Background Information:
*Marital Status: The favourite wife of Drey Axewielder, Laird of the Sky Oak Warrior Clan.
*Children: Several, including Merick, Ophelia, the twins Trist and Argen, Desdemona and Portia
*Blood or Soul Bonds:
*History: Epona lives with the other members of the Sky Oak Warrior Clan on the Chimerian Plains of Aerdon. Their nomadic lifestyle takes their yurt-like tented encampment all over these great grasslands, hunting the animals that can be found there.
Misc Information:
Avatar Credit: Halle Berry as Storm
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