Parents |
Drey Axewielder
Epona Axewielder
Siblings |
Merick Axewielder
Ophelia Axewielder
Trist Axewielder
Argen Axewielder
Portia Axewielder
Physical Description:
*Name: Desdemona Axewielder
Meaning of Name: Ill-Starred
Nickname: Dessie
*Race: Aerdonian Centaur
Apparent Age (if different):
*Height: 6' 8" from her hooves to the top of her head
*Build/Weight: Slim
*Hair: Long, Pale Blonde
*Eyes: Dark Blue, almost Black
Complexion: Light-skinned human torso, dappled grey equine hide.
*Identifying Marks (if present): None
Clothing: None
Personal Items usually carried:
Personal Information:
Home Planet: Aerdon
Planet of Residence: Aerdon
Birth Family: Axewielder
Second Family:
*Personality: Centaurs are by nature a rowdy, earthy race, and Dessie is no different. Young, exhuberant and more than a little wild, the filly is however not malicious nor generally unkind. She enjoys teasing her siblings, her older sister Ophelia being a common target. Typically she makes friends easily because of her open and friendly nature.
*Skills and Abilities: Skilled with spear, and some ability with a bow.
*Weapons Used: Spear, Bow
Background Information:
*Marital Status: Lover of Lantry Urdrul
*Children: None
*Blood or Soul Bonds: None
*History: Dessie was brought up with the other members of the Sky Oak Warrior Clan on the Chimerian Plains of Aerdon. Their nomadic lifestyle takes their yurt-like tented encampment all over these great grasslands, hunting the animals that can be found there.
Misc Information:
Avatar Credit: Ehrinn Cummings
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