Physical Description:
*Name: Aurewen Lathil
Meaning of Name: Day Maiden - Night Wing
Nicknames: Aura, Aurora
*Race: Half-Aarataurean Elf, Half-Ingralean Elf
*Age: 17 years old as of 'Crucible of the Storm'
Apparent Age (if different):
*Height: 5’ 10” (adult)
*Build/Weight: Slender
*Hair: Long, pale blonde curls that fall to the middle of her back
*Eyes: Spring Green
Complexion: Porcelain
*Identifying Marks (if present):
Clothing: Generally wears dresses in shades of white or soft greens, barefoot if possible.
Personal Items usually carried:
Personal Information:
Home Planet: Thitsin
Planet of Residence: Thitsin
Birth Family:
Second Family:
*Personality: Aurewen is usually a sunny-tempered soul, quick to smile and to laugh. She loves being outdoors and is happiest when she can run around barefoot in the grass or splash about in the lake.
*Skills and Abilities:
Magical Abilities: Like all Ingralean elves, Aurewen is able to use telepathy, can portal etc. She has a particular affinity for water because the magical abilities inherited from her Aarataurean mother lean heavily in that direction. She can, for example, call water up from the ground to form a natural spring, cause rainstorms and tidal waves, and generally manipulate any water that is in the environment around her. Theoretically, she could also cause someone to drown in their own body fluids, however she would not resort to such tactics in anything other than the most extreme circumstances.
Music: Aurewen can play the flute and can sing, having a pleasant mezzosoprano.
Languages Spoken: Common, Aarataurean, Ingralean
*Weapons Used:
Background Information:
Sexual Orientation:
*Marital Status: Single
*Children: None
*Blood or Soul Bonds: None
*History: The daughter of ? and Faelwen Helinyetille, Aurewen was born in Ingraleis.
Misc Information:
- Aurewen's soul is pale green in colour, the same shade as her eyes, and in its ground state will often appear to be a mist in form. At the heart of this burns a flame that is the core of the individual’s soul.
- As per Aarataurean custom, when she was born Aurewen was given a gemstone. In her case this was a holiondono, a pale spring green gemstone from Elemmiire. She will be given another one on every birthday up to and including her twenty-first year, at which point they will be made into a necklace - her 'birthstone necklace'.
Avatar Credit: Elisabeth Harnois
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