Parents |
Morten Norling
Hilda Ahlstrom
Physical Description:
*Name: Arvid Norling
Meaning of Name: Eagle Tree from the North
*Race: Vallachian Human
Apparent Age (if different): Thirties
*Height: 5’ 11”
*Build/Weight: Muscular
*Hair: Dark Brown, Shoulder-length, with one or two thin braids at the front.
*Eyes: Mahogany Brown
Complexion: Fair
*Identifying Marks (if present): Left Shoulder: Celtic knotwork bear paw print - bondmark to Rowleigh Piares
Clothing: Plain tunic and trousers in browns and blacks, sometimes with pieces of armour and/or a woollen cloak.
Personal Items usually carried:
- Ring finger of right hand: Bronze ring with runes meaning "bear" and "spirit" carved into band.
Personal Information:
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Home Planet: Elemmiire
Planet of Residence: Thitsin
Birth Family: Norling
Second Family: Piares
*Personality: Arvid is rough around the edges and can at times appear brusque. He is more comfortable in the company of men than women, with the exception of Astrid, Rowleigh and Ingrid who he views as his family.
*Occupation: Ingralean Guard, Warrior
*Skills and Abilities: Like many men of his race, Arvid has been trained in the warrior arts from early childhood. He is a skilled tracker and warrior, as well as more than competent in the use of the longboats in which his people make their raids. He was a respected member of the warrior band of his tribe, amongst whom he was viewed as one of the natural leaders. Through the spirit which possessed his ring before it merged with his own soul, he has also gained the ability to shapeshift into the form of a large brown bear.
*Weapons Used: Broadsword
Background Information:
*Marital Status: Lover of Rowleigh Piares
*Children: None
*Blood or Soul Bonds: Soul bond to Rowleigh Piares
*History: The son of Hilda Ahlstrom and Morten Norling, Arvid lost his father at sea when he himself was only five years old. His mother died of a fever when he was twelve years old and subsequently he and his younger sister, Astrid, were raised by Ingrid Eld whom he regards with a combination of respect verging on awe for her strength and shamanistic abilities, as well as a genuine filial affection.
Following the events of The Sword of Valor, Arvid and Astrid joined Ingrid in her exile and began to journey far from the lands they once called home. This led to Arvid and Astrid stumbling first upon the Castle of Catara in Amar'a and then, whilst attempting to break the curse and free themselves from the castle, into a tapestry formerly owned by Auriana that trapped them inside it. They were eventually rescued when Brianna Tel'Quessir commanded the tapestry to release its captives in an attempt to free Leuthil Celeblasse who had also been trapped within it. Brother and sister were then invited to stay in Ingraleis. Arvid joined the Ingralean Guard, where he met another new recruit, Rowleigh Piares, with whom he has become involved.
Arvid returned to Castle Catara with Rowleigh, Astrid and others after Astrid received a mysterious message which appeared to be from Ingrid. They discovered that Ingrid had become trapped within the castle after following their trail there. In the process of rescuing her, Arvid acquired the ring which permits him to shapeshift into bear form.
Misc Information:
- Like most Vallachians, Arvid’s accent is similar to that of Terran Scandinavia, his native dialect being reminiscent of Old Norse.
- Arvid's soul is the rich reddish-brown colour of mahogany wood.
- His favourite colour is blue, especially the rich azure blue of a summer sky.
- He is a terrible cook with regards to anything other basic camp fare.
Avatar Credit: Val Kilmer
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